Working Safely in People's Homes

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Guide to Working in People's Homes Safely, working in people's homes safely

Many industries require their employees to work in people’s homes, including health care, domestic services, and home repair. Unfortunately, these jobs come with a unique set of risks that can be difficult to manage, especially if you are working alone.

Risks of Working in People's Homes

When you are working in someone’s home, you are exposed to a variety of risks. Even if the people you are working for are friendly and welcoming, you still need to be aware of the potential dangers. Here are some of the most common risks of working in people’s homes:

Working alone

You may encounter dangerous situations or be unable to get help in an emergency.

Agressive behaviour

Unfortunately, some people may choose to take out their frustrations on you. This could be in the form of verbal abuse or even physical violence.

Driving risks

The most common driving risks for workers include fatigue, poor weather, distracted driving, and not following road rules.

Preventing Harm, WHS Harm, Protect Lone Workers, Reduce Harm, Lone Worker Safety

Unsafe working conditions

You may be exposed to hazardous materials or working conditions that could put your safety at risk.

Physical injury or illness

Working in a new environment can be dangerous. You may be exposed to unknown hazards, such as broken stairs or loose wiring.

Mental health, psychological health, lone worker health, lone worker safety


Fatigue, either mentally or physically, can prevent someone from completing their work in a safe and efficient manner.

Essential Safety Procedures for Working Safely in Other People's Homes

How to Check in on Lone Workers or Remote Workers - How to ask are you okay

Always check in

Make sure to check in with your supervisor or a designated contact before entering someone’s home. This will help to ensure that you are safe and that your supervisor is aware of your whereabouts.

Always be aware of your surroundings

Before entering someone’s home, take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the house and the area. Look for potential hazards, such as loose wires or broken stairs.

Wear protective gear

Make sure to wear the appropriate protective gear when working in someone’s home. This could include face masks, gloves, safety goggles, and/or gloves.

Understand your requirements as an employer.

Have a lone worker safety policy

Develop and follow a policy for when you or your staff are working alone in other people's homes. This could include details about when to use your lone worker safety tools and who needs to be contacted in case of an emergency.

Managing Lone Worker Safety with an App.

Use technology

Using a lone worker app like WorkSafe Guardian allows you to be in control of your own safety. You can set welfare timers to check in to locations, set voice commands and activate safety or medical alerts. With WorkSafe Guardian, help is only a touch, shake or shout away.

Technology Solutions for Working in People's Homes

WorkSafe Guardian is a professionally monitored lone worker safety app. If your team are off site, work alone or go into potentially risky situations, the WSG app provides them with a safety net in the palm of their hands.

With a touch of a button, voice command or shake of the phone, a safety alert can be activates and a pre-determined personalised response procedure will occur. This includes the possible dispatch of emergency services.

To learn more, book a demo through the link below.

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